2013 Amy Dombroski Memorial Dolores Cross

2013 Amy Dombroski Memorial Dolores Cross

Ride/Race Schedule - to add event - Email: ciclistasdelrio@gmail.com

Thursday, September 20, 2007

It's not the World Championship Course in Hooglede-Gits, Belgium. There won't be many spectators; there won't be a giant white beer tent; there probably won't even be as many racers as in this picture.

But, a CX Practice Course has been set on Boggy Draw. It's located off the main road (FR 527), about 2 miles up from the parking lot just east of the cattle guard at the end of CR W. It has some fast single track, three dismounts, one steep run up, and a surprsingly difficult rock strewn power climb. Check it out.

On Sunday, September 30th, the Ciclistas del Rio will host a practice race beginning at 11:00AM. Riders can choose to ride for either 30 minutes or 60 minutes. Mountain bikes are welcome. There is no entry fee for Ciclistas members, but non-members are encouraged to make a donation. Prizes will mostly likely include pints from the Dolores River Brewery, and whatever else we can round up.

Monday, September 17, 2007

The roads weren't quite this wet on Sunday, but we did get wet. It's incredible that we started Sunday rides back in June and that it took until September for it to rain on us.

Note to Ciclistas -- it never hurts to have rain cape. See Scott at Sol Cycles if you need one. Steve would agree that it's $20 well spent. Similarly, if you ride bare-legged in the rain, you might want to consider some 'verwarmende balsem' --that's warming balm from Belgium.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Boure Bike Fest

Boure Bike Fest runs next week in and around Durango from September 16-22. Check out http://www.boure.com/ for a complete schedule including routes, start times, start locations, and opportunities to ride with Ned Overend. To the right is last year's group picture taken at Lemon resevoir. I rode the Coal Bank Pass Day; our group only numbered about a dozen at the top of the Pass, but we had great fall weather and a gas station lunch at Needles. Yum, Yum!

2012 Dolores CX Results

2012 Dolores CX Results
Any questions concerning the results, please email CiclistasdelRio@gmail.com