2013 Amy Dombroski Memorial Dolores Cross

2013 Amy Dombroski Memorial Dolores Cross

Ride/Race Schedule - to add event - Email: ciclistasdelrio@gmail.com

Sunday, March 27, 2011


131 miles, 7500' of climbing, and plenty of wind.  Got my fastest time on this course, 8:25.  Good start to the season!

Turnaround in Mountainair

60 miles down, 70 to go.  Mmmmm, banana

Manzano Mountainair 200k

6:40 at Albertsons in Albuquerque, ready to go!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Sunday Ride!

It's gonna be a great day for riding tomorrow!  I'll be looking for recovery/base pace, but we can decide at the time.  See you at Parque de Vida, 11am. 


Sunday, March 6, 2011

3 hours in the little ring

A solo ride today with, wait for it...  NO WIND!  You didn't think I was serious did you?  Well, the first hour was dead calm, not a flag fluttering at the Rec Center, or Fairgrounds, or Ute Mtn rest area.  Then a generally southerly wind picked up, sometimes more easterly, sometimes more westerly, but it was pretty gentle - nothing like the gales we've been experiencing lately.  Made me want to ride a couple more hours it was so nice.  As it was, 3 hours of easy pace, zig-zaging around the county roads between US491 and CR 29/30.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Ciclistas: Sunday ride (or Saturday?)

Hola Ciclistas,

Sunday should be ok for a ride.  A few of us are doing various rides on Saturday, so Sunday will be at recovery/base pace.  If you haven't ridden yet this season, it'll be a good way to ease into it.

If anyone cares to join me, I think I'll be doing hill repeats on Saturday.  Reply if you want to join in, we can make a plan.

Otherwise, 11am, Park de Vida, Sunday.


2012 Dolores CX Results

2012 Dolores CX Results
Any questions concerning the results, please email CiclistasdelRio@gmail.com