We need to start thinking about our next order. Here are some things I need feedback on:
1. Fix the tread on the sleeves and collar
2. Add USWCDP logo to back
3. I heard Chris Barber might want to sponsor?
1. The cost for different spots on the kit
2. When do previous sponsors need to renew?
3. Is Sol Cycles providing a service worthy of the front/back/shorts of our kit?
1. For sponsor sign-up/art (Feb. 14?)
2. For clothing order (March 1?)
You can submit feedback and/or ideas to comments on this thread. If the response seems like it warrants a face-to-face discussion, I will coordinate a time to talk.

1 comment:
Tangible benefits for me from what Sol is offering would include:
8 road tires
4 cross tires
12 Hammer Gel jugs
6 Recoverites
The difference between mail order and club discount is about 350.00 and that doesn't account for shipping.
I probably consume a little more than the average club rider, but if we have ten members taking advantage of 200.00 in discounts, then that's a pretty sizable contribution.
However, the intangible benefits that a shop sponsorship ideally provides are less certain because of the unpredictablity of the Shop. And to an even greater extent, the lack of predictability that we've each experienced may have become a detriment, so much so that it's just easier to go to other sources for product. This I understand.
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