2013 Amy Dombroski Memorial Dolores Cross

2013 Amy Dombroski Memorial Dolores Cross

Ride/Race Schedule - to add event - Email: ciclistasdelrio@gmail.com

Monday, June 9, 2008

Adopt a Stretch of HWY 145

There has been mention that Ciclistas ought to adopt a stretch of Highway 145. A 2 mile stretch, just before and after the turn to the West Fork, has become available. Please leave a comment as to whether Ciclistas should adopt this stretch of highway and whether or not you would be willing to participate in highway clean up.


D-Lish said...

If we can get a majority of members to do this, I would be happy to participate.

swayman said...

I agree that as long as there are more than just two or three doing all the work, then I am in.

Jeff Fox said...

Any idea on how often we would be expected to do the cleanup etc.? Do we pick the schedule or are there set times?

I think it is a great idea and would be willing to participate. Just want to make sure that I don't say I will do it and then not be around when the work needs to be done.


lwebster said...

If past experience is any guide, typically we would be expected to clean up in the Spring after the roadsides have cleared and possibly again in late summer/ fall.

Michael Henderson may know better because Osprey has the 2 mile section that precedes ours.

Michael H said...

CDOT wants the sections to be cleaned 4 times a year. That's unrealistic given the winter snow cover. Osprey cleans its section 3x a year - Spring, Summer, Fall.

It's a pretty big commitment given the time it takes to cover 2 sides of the highway for 2 miles. We usually get 8-12 each time at Osprey, and it takes about an hour.

So if there are only going to be 4-5 of us regulars, it will take a while.

lwebster said...

My sense from the posts and various conversations that I've had with club members is that highway clean up is a good thing to do; however, the club does not necessarily have enough active participation at this point to take on such a project.

2012 Dolores CX Results

2012 Dolores CX Results
Any questions concerning the results, please email CiclistasdelRio@gmail.com