2013 Amy Dombroski Memorial Dolores Cross

2013 Amy Dombroski Memorial Dolores Cross

Ride/Race Schedule - to add event - Email: ciclistasdelrio@gmail.com

Friday, October 30, 2009

FLC Cycling Cyclocross Camp

FLC Cycling Cyclocross Camp Instructed by FLC Coach Matt Shriver
2009 USA Cyclocross World Championships Team Member

The Who: Open to anyone, tailored for beginners-intermediate Cyclocross riders.
The What: Cyclocross Training Camp focusing on proper Cyclocross skills and Technique for racing and riding Cyclocross.
The When: Beginning November 6th on the FLC Campus at 3:30-5:30, and concludes in Dolores on November 8th at the Cyclocross race.
The Where: Camp will be held on the Fort Lewis Campus and in Dolores on Sunday, November 8th.

Camp description- The Cyclocross Camp will begin on November 6 and go through November 8th. Open to all levels of ability, but specifically for beginner to intermediate riders that are interested in racing Cyclocross and learning good technique and training principles specifically for Cyclocross.

Camp will cover basic skills and advanced techniques for Cyclocross racing and riding. The camp is spread out over 3 days of training and practice. Proper technique for Cyclocross mounts, dismounts, run ups, cornering technique, and Cyclocross race starts. Included in the camp will be a generalized training program for intermediate riders from the camps end date through the regional Cyclocross racing season to national Championships in December. Also included in the plan are Cyclocross Race Day preparation plans, recovery tips, bike set up tips for Cyclocross and more. The final day of the camp will be held in Dolores to cover the pre-race warm up routine and preparation. Camp fee does not include race entry fee into Dolores CX Race on November 8th.

Cost: The cost of the Cyclocross Camp is $100 and is limited to 20 riders to keep a quality riding and learning experience. Register here: http://www.bikereg.com/events/register.asp?eventid=9557

Contact: Please contact Matt Shriver, FLC Cycling Coach at shriver_m@fortlewis.edu or (970) 946-5570.

Friday Nov, 6th Meet on FLC Campus. Football Field Parking lot Starts at 3:30 and concludes at 5:30(Dark). Basic Technique and proper form will be covered. Receive Training Plan and Cyclocross tips packet.
Saturday, Nov. 7th Meet on FLC Campus in Football Field Lot at 10:00 am. Advanced Technique covered. Training session with learned technique. Concludes at 12:00 pm.
Sunday, Nov 8th Meet in Dolores, CO at 11:30 am. Pre-ride CX Course and go over your race plan. Warm up and prep for CX race. RACE! End camp at the Dolores Brewery with race party!

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2012 Dolores CX Results

2012 Dolores CX Results
Any questions concerning the results, please email CiclistasdelRio@gmail.com