Saturday's RR: Long, windy, with a whole lot of grinding false flats ...
...and the guy on the ATV looked to be having more fun as Ciclistas riders suffered through and finished in the latter half of the field.

Sunday's Crit: Windy and Fast. We averaged 24 mph in spite of the 30+mph wind gusts. The group stayed pretty much together with the race coming down to a sprint finish. I took a flyer with 1/2 lap and three turns to go. I led into the finishing straight, faded, and was overtaken by a group of six in the final 30 meters. We met and raced with a Dr. Steve, a friend of Jim Hanosh's. Nice guy who comes to the 4 Corners from time to time to work with Mac Wyman. Later I learned that woman you can see is Tiffany Pezzulo, a former National level crit rider, described by my friend Renee, who's a national champ on the track, as "really freakin' strong."

Steve chasing hard and wondering: "Just how exactly does 45 minutes in Fruita translate into 12 hours at Mesa Verde? "
1 comment:
A big thanks to you and Doug for helping me with my first road race and first crit race! The speed of the crit was something I was not prepared for. In the future maybe we can work some drills to help preprare for the speed of that type of race if you know some. I had a blast though all weekend and look forward to doing it again in the near future.
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