2013 Amy Dombroski Memorial Dolores Cross

2013 Amy Dombroski Memorial Dolores Cross

Ride/Race Schedule - to add event - Email: ciclistasdelrio@gmail.com

Friday, May 16, 2008

Sunday's Rec Ride (May 18th)

Coal Bank and Molas Pass

Meet at 8:30 at Flanders Park, Dolores to carpool over to Needles
Be ready to ride at 10am at the Needles store (couple miles before Purgatory on the west side of Hwy 550).

This will be at recreational, not racing, pace, so please come along to enjoy these passes - a must for those in the Iron Horse! We'll re-group at the tops of all the climbs, and I'll patrol up and down the group to pace people if they need and generally provide support. The weather is going to be great, but, this is Spring in the San Juans, so be prepared with at least a wind jacket, maybe arm warmers, too. Bring enough food and water - this is about a 35 mile ride with 3 climbs.

It's going to be a great ride, I can't wait! See you there,

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2012 Dolores CX Results

2012 Dolores CX Results
Any questions concerning the results, please email CiclistasdelRio@gmail.com