Slept well for about 4 hours, thankfully. Up at 1am, off by 1:40 (too slow!), and really started slow to warm up the knees and stretch the achilles. Little did I know, I was being watched as I left the Empire motel - and a few miles later Henk and Gary rode up on me, and we chatted logistics. I wanted a picture of the state line, so rode on ahead, then caught back up to them after they passed. We're not in Kansas anymore! Chatted some more, then I pulled ahead as I felt good after my easy warm-up. After Idalia, however, I really started to drowse, and felt a little queasy. I think I may have slept a little on the bike around 4am. My body decided it was done with liquid food for the rest of the ride, so I started checking the cue sheet for the next store to get some solid food. Much to my surprise, as I pedalled through Joes, Charlie was on the side of road with his idling truck. He shouted encouragement as I passed, but I was puzzled - that could only mean that Andrea was behind me at this point, and that was not a good sign for her.
Well, on to Cope, where I hoped the store would be open. I was 45 mins early, but Charlie was there to save the day with an extra peanut butter bagel of Andrea's. She came powering through as I was eating, and Charlie explained that Thursday had been a bad day. She had slept in Idalia, and I passed her before she started out. Now it all made sense. So, on to Anton, and a few miles later I catch Andrea with a flat. I helped her change it and we rode together to Anton. After riding much of the first day with her, and not expecting to see her again, this was a pleasant surprise. She had another quick control, while I took my time and bought burritos.
Heading to Byers, I felt great. In fact, since Norton yesterday, except for the hour or so around 4am this morning, I had been feeling strong on the bike. Not super fast, but fast enough and strong out of the saddle over the rollers. (My problem was I was sore and tired off the bike at the controls, which made it slow going to get back on). Unfortunately, somewhere between Linden and Last Chance, my left knee failed me. It was too sore to get out of the saddle, either to power over the rollers or stretch. So I slowed way down - had to spin up the rollers, and coast downhill to stretch, very frustrating. Rolled in to Byers and decided a short break might do the knee some good. Showered and took advantage of Susan's awesome grilled cheese sandwiches and stocked coolers, thanks Susan! Julie was also there, saying Colin was plugging along having left Atwood about midnight. Lots of people arrived while I was there - Henk & Gary, Vernon & Paul, Colin, and John Lee.
Finally, I pulled myself away, and yes! the knee was feeling better. And the winds were tail and cross-tail! A nice helping hand for the last 100 miles. But it was hot, maybe 95. On the way to Keenesburg, there was an irrigation fountain by the side of the road. I saw it about 200 yards away, and there was no hesitation when I arrived: dropped the bike, waded through the ditch and stood under the COLD water for 10 seconds, so refreshing! I love biking in Colorado, where your clothes dry in mere minutes. Back on the bike, with the winds cooling me further, I enjoyed more grilled cheese, and felt nearly as fresh as day 1. Fast roads to Platteville for the final control, arriving at 7pm.
Well, I had 3 hours to get to Louisville if I wanted to break 67 hours. But I needed food, and yet again I had a slow control - somehow I ended up having to average 17mph to finish by 10pm. That was a tall order given my failing knee. But, hey, I'd been doing this for more than 64 hours already, might as well give it everything I had left. And so I did, 'till about 10 miles to go (only 10 miles!!), when my mind knew I couldn't make 10pm, and my body completely gave up. Cursing myself for all the wasted time at controls, I limped in at about 9mph, finishing at 10:13. Almost fell asleep in the shower, but once in bed, and removed from the immediate disappointment of missing the goal, I had to admit I was pretty psyched with my first 1200k - and lots of lessons learned!
2013 Amy Dombroski Memorial Dolores Cross

Ride/Race Schedule - to add event - Email:
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Last Chance day2, more detail
A big thanks to Brent for staffing the Oberlin motel, and thanks to RMCC for making this possible! Took forever to get settled for a mere 3 hour of sleep, but I did have to replace a slow flat (goathead!). Slept well for an hour and a half, tossed and turned for the other hour and a half. Groggy and inefficient, finally leaving at 12:30am. After a few miles felt better, and made good time to Norton, watching the lights of farms and towers come and go over the rollers. Somewhere before Phillipsburg, as I was feeling really drowsy, got chased by 3 phantom dogs coming from the right. Never saw them, but heard their barking and running. Got up and sprinted for 30 seconds, one little dog was right with me the whole way on the shoulder yapping. That woke me up! Passed by 3 sets of riders already heading back, think it was Mark, Tom K, and Peter and Russell. Had to stop to put on a jacket and change headlight batteries, but made Phillipsburg as I was getting dreary again. Cup of coffee and dawn gradually woke me up again on the way to the turn-around in Kensington. As I pulled up to the PO, Colin's wife Julie, running support for him, arrived and gave me a Capri juice!
OK - heading back to Colorado! But it's uphill and wind against - ugh! That first leg back to Phillipsburg was a real psychological test, as the real work began. Soon saw many riders still outbound - Colin, Vernon & Paul, John Lee, Val & Robin, and many others. Took some time at the Phillipsburg control to resupply and grab some solid food (nothing like a cheddarwurst fresh from the heat-lamps!), Colin arriving just before I left. Did not make great time to Norton, had trouble focusing and keeping the pedals turning - until Colin caught me, that is. Thought I'd ride his train for a while, but he really put the hammer down and it was all I could do just to stay in his slipstream. Then we'd start up another roller, I'd be at my limit, and he'd sit up and wave me past for my pull! Gahh! We'd crest the top, he'd come by, and I'd have to sprint again to keep his wheel. Finally, on the descent into Norton, my lower back told me that I shouldn't keep this up, no matter the headway we were making. Colin stopped off at McDonalds where Julie was waiting for him, and I pressed on after getting my card signed.
Outside of Norton, I saw Tammie off her bike looking at her rear wheel - she'd split a sidewall, so I gave her my spare tire. "No problem, I said, "I've got a boot patch if it comes to that." Little did I know.
Up till now it had been overcast with even some drizzle, but the sun was finally making an appearance. Still good riding temperatures, but starting to warm up. The small-critter road-kill littering the shoulder in west central Kansas? - frogs! Boy there were a lot of them, just glad I didn't run over any live ones.
In Oberlin, Julie greeted me with another Capri juice and Pringles. Thanks, Julie! It was like I had my own support crew. Slathered on sun screen and headed to Atwood as Colin arrived, looking hot and tired. Seven miles shy of Atwood, after being battered by the turbulance of huge oversized vehicles, my rear tire went flat, and sure enough, I had a split sidewall! I laughed. It seemed to take forever to get the boot in place and the new tube in, I needed 3 hands. I was sure Colin would pass me, but he wasn't to be seen, and I was soon in Atwood, scarfing pizza and soda. Thanks Beth and Brent! Jim was staffing too, but was taking a well deserved nap while I resupplied. Oh - Brent changed my rear tire with a spare I had in my drop bag - thanks a ton, that saved me so much time!
Off to St. Francis with the sun in my eyes. A nice afternoon ride, but I really appreciated when the sun dropped below the horizon. Made the Empire Motel at deep dusk, showered, ice for my knees, and fell asleep as I was posting a blog update!
OK - heading back to Colorado! But it's uphill and wind against - ugh! That first leg back to Phillipsburg was a real psychological test, as the real work began. Soon saw many riders still outbound - Colin, Vernon & Paul, John Lee, Val & Robin, and many others. Took some time at the Phillipsburg control to resupply and grab some solid food (nothing like a cheddarwurst fresh from the heat-lamps!), Colin arriving just before I left. Did not make great time to Norton, had trouble focusing and keeping the pedals turning - until Colin caught me, that is. Thought I'd ride his train for a while, but he really put the hammer down and it was all I could do just to stay in his slipstream. Then we'd start up another roller, I'd be at my limit, and he'd sit up and wave me past for my pull! Gahh! We'd crest the top, he'd come by, and I'd have to sprint again to keep his wheel. Finally, on the descent into Norton, my lower back told me that I shouldn't keep this up, no matter the headway we were making. Colin stopped off at McDonalds where Julie was waiting for him, and I pressed on after getting my card signed.
Outside of Norton, I saw Tammie off her bike looking at her rear wheel - she'd split a sidewall, so I gave her my spare tire. "No problem, I said, "I've got a boot patch if it comes to that." Little did I know.
Up till now it had been overcast with even some drizzle, but the sun was finally making an appearance. Still good riding temperatures, but starting to warm up. The small-critter road-kill littering the shoulder in west central Kansas? - frogs! Boy there were a lot of them, just glad I didn't run over any live ones.
In Oberlin, Julie greeted me with another Capri juice and Pringles. Thanks, Julie! It was like I had my own support crew. Slathered on sun screen and headed to Atwood as Colin arrived, looking hot and tired. Seven miles shy of Atwood, after being battered by the turbulance of huge oversized vehicles, my rear tire went flat, and sure enough, I had a split sidewall! I laughed. It seemed to take forever to get the boot in place and the new tube in, I needed 3 hands. I was sure Colin would pass me, but he wasn't to be seen, and I was soon in Atwood, scarfing pizza and soda. Thanks Beth and Brent! Jim was staffing too, but was taking a well deserved nap while I resupplied. Oh - Brent changed my rear tire with a spare I had in my drop bag - thanks a ton, that saved me so much time!
Off to St. Francis with the sun in my eyes. A nice afternoon ride, but I really appreciated when the sun dropped below the horizon. Made the Empire Motel at deep dusk, showered, ice for my knees, and fell asleep as I was posting a blog update!
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Last Chance Day 1, more detail
As expected, this first leg was fast, with a strong group of riders, mostly downhill, and a light tailwind. Arrived in Byers with about 10-12 of us, at dawn. All departed at different times, so we were now spread out. Andrea and I were last to leave, even though we were only there about 7 mins. Realilzed that we wanted to stay with Colin and Tim, so worked together to catch up with them. That was hard work. Passed Victor, Tom K, Russell & Peter, Tom L and I think Sara. Mark Lowe, as usual, was gone up the road. This was all in a drenching fog - needed wipers on the glasses, had to keep using my glove to clear them. Everything was soaked. And it made for interesting riding - who was that fuzzy red light up ahead? In a few miles we made contact with Colin and Tim, and the 4 of us worked well together through the fog, over the rollers to Anton. Glad I couldin't see what was in store for the return trip! And it was cool - a blessing. Stopped for a quick pee break in Anton, where Tom & Tom passed us. Decided we wanted to catch them before the control in Cope, so rode a team time trial, with Colin and Tim putting the hurt on Andrea and I - we could only take short pulls, but at least gave them some rest. Reached both my max HR and max speed for the ride in the stretch - 198bpm and 41mph. We missed the catch by about 300 yards as we rounded the corner into Cope.
Quick control, then back on the road, Andrea and I were 2nd out, after Tom K. I decided that I was working too hard, so when Tim and Tom L rode past, I resisted staying with them. Still cool, but the fog was burning off, and the N wind was picking up. It was during this section that poor Victor missed a turn and rode 30 miles off course (60 miles round trip!!!!). No wonder he was last in to Atwood. He still completed in 83hrs - but that was for 810 miles, not 750! Colin, Tom L and Tim passed us and led us into St Francis. Andrea had another quick control, I wanted to double check that my supply box reached the motel for my Thursday night stay. So rode to Atwood solo, temps finally on the rise. Lots of grasshoppers on the verge, many jumping into the spokes as I rode by, a mobile guillotine.
Everyone was at Atwood when I arrived - except Andrea, who was now leader on the road, and Tim. Tom(s) and Mark were taking extended breaks before riding through the night. Had some pizza, watermelon, Coke, then headed out as Russell & Peter arrived. Was soon passed by Tom(s) and Mark. Arrived in Oberlin for my first sleep stop. Colin was already there, and Russell & Mark, Vernon & Paul, Val & Robin, and John Lee arrived later.
Quick control, then back on the road, Andrea and I were 2nd out, after Tom K. I decided that I was working too hard, so when Tim and Tom L rode past, I resisted staying with them. Still cool, but the fog was burning off, and the N wind was picking up. It was during this section that poor Victor missed a turn and rode 30 miles off course (60 miles round trip!!!!). No wonder he was last in to Atwood. He still completed in 83hrs - but that was for 810 miles, not 750! Colin, Tom L and Tim passed us and led us into St Francis. Andrea had another quick control, I wanted to double check that my supply box reached the motel for my Thursday night stay. So rode to Atwood solo, temps finally on the rise. Lots of grasshoppers on the verge, many jumping into the spokes as I rode by, a mobile guillotine.
Everyone was at Atwood when I arrived - except Andrea, who was now leader on the road, and Tim. Tom(s) and Mark were taking extended breaks before riding through the night. Had some pizza, watermelon, Coke, then headed out as Russell & Peter arrived. Was soon passed by Tom(s) and Mark. Arrived in Oberlin for my first sleep stop. Colin was already there, and Russell & Mark, Vernon & Paul, Val & Robin, and John Lee arrived later.
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Last Chance 1200k - Day 3
slept well, thankfully. off @ 1:40, crossed back into CO! Leap-frogged with a couple guys who left Atwood before midnight. Actually think I slept on the bike with my eyes open around 4am for a few miles. And I was done with liquid food - started making me quesy, so it was all about microwave burritos and such at the checkpoints and passing convenience stores. Shooting pain in my left knee with about 130mi to go - couldn't get out of the saddle for power or stretching. Long rest @ Byers control, then the last 100mi. Some good winds to help, though it was hot. Nothing left in the tank with 10mi to go, limped on in (literally) @ 10:15. Done!
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Last Chance 1200k, Day 2
Too tired to relate everything, must get my alloted sleep tonight. Left late this AM, nice sunrise @ Kensington, turned around with 650k to go, 20,000ft of climbing, and headwinds. Slow going, discouraging, picked it up after Norton, good legs to Oberlin, Atwood, & St. Francis, arriving at deep dusk. Feel good on the bike, tired and sore off it - makes checkpoints slow as I'm not in a hurry to leave. Must sleep now. Off at 1:30am, approx 230mi to go!
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Last Chance 1200k, day 1
280mi, 16:05hrs - longest I've ever ridden in a single day, and FAAAAST. Hopefully didn't cash all my chips in today. Strong group to lead it out, avg nearly 22mph to Byers (71mi). Then 4 of us (me, Andrea Koenig, Tim Feldman & Colin ?) basically did a team time trial for 75mi to Cope. Super fun, hope I won't pay for it later. Every leg I completed faster than plan, the last two much closer to plan than the first 3, thanks to strong riders and tail or cross-tail winds. Likely to be head winds coming home, tho. arrived in Oberlin about 2 hrs ahead of plan, but too much to organize here, will likely leave @ midnight, nearly 1 hr ahead of plan. Icing knees & achilles as precaution, time for 3 hrs of sleep! About 240 miles tomorrow. Stay tuned...
Monday, September 13, 2010
Sept Tuesday Rides
Tuesday evening rides are still on through the end of September. Meet at Flanders Park and be ready to ride at 6pm prompt - rides return at dusk and there is little light left this month!
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
After an intense, for me, ride out to House Creek (thanks Michael, Lauren, Dean & George) - there's nothing like arriving home to a sake and gin recovery martini!
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2012 Dolores CX Results

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